Friday, 3 October 2008

Let's Hear it for the Boys

Unfortunately I am going to be away for the weekend so will be missing my weekly dancing fix. On the plus side, here's the reason.

Although to be completely honest... I'm seeing the divine Mr Tennant in Love's Labour's Lost, I'm going to have to wait for December for Hamlet.

Having briefly watched the boys practising on It Takes Two, my money is on either him...
or him going

From the little I observed it is a toss up as to who is the most stiff and least natural dancer. Although I'd say Mark Foster was running a close third.

My eldest daughter was in convulsions about the fact that Craig kept mentioning how Andrew's bottom was sticking out. And once he'd pointed it out, it was hard not to agree.

I missed seeing John Sergeant, whom I presume is going to tango. I do hope so as I think he will be loads better then wet fish Mark.

However, I did think the little glimpse of Philip I mean Don looked alot better, Mark looked hot to trot comme toujours, and as for Austin. Well blow me down with a feather. On the strength of that jive I'd put him in the final. He was amazing. It'll be fascinating to see if he keeps it up.

I've also discovered an even more burning reason to go on Strictly Come Dancing. Apparently Austin's lost two stone. TWO stone. I could do with some of that...

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